full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Karen Armstrong: Let's revive the Golden Rule

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But you know you'd never know it a lot of the time, that this was so central to the religious life. Because with a few wonderful exceptions, very often when religious people come together, religious lerades come together, they're arguing about abstruse denoctirs or uttering a council of hatred or inveighing against haosxeimlotuy or something of that sort. Often people don't really want to be compassionate. I sometimes see when I'm sipenakg to a congregation of religious people a sort of mutinous exsroeispn crossing their faces because people often want to be right instead. And that of course defeats the object of the exercise.

Open Cloze

But you know you'd never know it a lot of the time, that this was so central to the religious life. Because with a few wonderful exceptions, very often when religious people come together, religious _______ come together, they're arguing about abstruse _________ or uttering a council of hatred or inveighing against _____________ or something of that sort. Often people don't really want to be compassionate. I sometimes see when I'm ________ to a congregation of religious people a sort of mutinous __________ crossing their faces because people often want to be right instead. And that of course defeats the object of the exercise.


  1. homosexuality
  2. expression
  3. speaking
  4. leaders
  5. doctrines

Original Text

But you know you'd never know it a lot of the time, that this was so central to the religious life. Because with a few wonderful exceptions, very often when religious people come together, religious leaders come together, they're arguing about abstruse doctrines or uttering a council of hatred or inveighing against homosexuality or something of that sort. Often people don't really want to be compassionate. I sometimes see when I'm speaking to a congregation of religious people a sort of mutinous expression crossing their faces because people often want to be right instead. And that of course defeats the object of the exercise.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
golden rule 4
religious people 3
abstruse doctrines 2

Important Words

  1. abstruse
  2. arguing
  3. central
  4. compassionate
  5. congregation
  6. council
  7. crossing
  8. defeats
  9. doctrines
  10. exceptions
  11. exercise
  12. expression
  13. faces
  14. hatred
  15. homosexuality
  16. inveighing
  17. leaders
  18. life
  19. lot
  20. mutinous
  21. object
  22. people
  23. religious
  24. sort
  25. speaking
  26. time
  27. uttering
  28. wonderful